Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who are you guys?
A: We are Corona Solutions. We have been providing software and services to law enforcement agencies since 1995.
Q: What kind of data is behind this?
A: The information you see is processed by Computer-Aided-Dispatch (CAD) systems in 911 call centers. Every emergency call is stored in a CAD system and then select information is transmitted to us and presented here.
Q: How often is this data updated?
A: Each agency may have a different upload interval, many as frequent as 5-minutes and at most 24-hours.
Q: Why is certain information missing or display "N/A"?
A: Various optional features may not be enabled for certain agencies due to administrative or technical reasons.
Q: Why don't you refer to these map points as crimes?
A: The information we present is based on "events". An event is a call for emergency service that resulted in an officer arriving at the scene. Not all calls for service result in a crime record, especially neighborhood health issues.
Q: Why is there nothing listed for my area?
A: We don't collect information from all agencies. Only those that subscribe to our Ops Force service are presented here. If your agency is not shown, we would appreciate you contacting them and referring them to us!
Q: How can I see more details about a specific events?
A: Not all details about these events can legally be made public. Personally identifiable information is often protected and cannot be released to unauthorized parties. We are not able to show information about victims, suspects, or specific details of resulting crimes.